Lena Frings, author of TALMÄANDER in the series EUROPEAN ESSAYS ON NATURE AND LANDSCAPE, was a guest on WDR 3’s broadcast called “Gutenbergs Welt – das Literaturmagazin” to talk about her book.
In this episode of the broadcast “Gutenbergs Welt – das Literaturmagazin”, host Insa Wilke presents books that talk about coexistence with nature, people and animals.
Among other things, the two talk about how Lena Frings’ relationship to nature and the Ahr Valley has changed due to the flood, about the contradiction of nature as a place of refuge and at the same time its instability due to constant change and about what Lena Frings would like readers to take away from the book.
The entire broadcast is available on the WDR website. Lena Frings can be heard at the beginning of the show.