Hardly anywhere else in the world
are there more cranes than here

Volker Pesch
European Essays on Nature and Landscape
Hardcover, 144 Seiten, 14,3 x 21 cm, with photographs, illustrations and maps, 22,00 € (D)
ISBN 978-3-96194-250-3
WG 1 985
Published in March 2025
VOLKER PESCH sets off on a journey through BODDEN UND HAFFE in an old Zees boat – from Dierhagen through the Bodden chain behind Darß and Zingst, through Strelasund, Greifswalder Bodden and Peenestrom to Oderhaff.
For four days, he sails through a unique cultural landscape, reporting on history and culture, the beauty of nature and the light over the water. A unique journey.