Hardly any other river is as much of a
political landscape as the Spree

Uwe Rada
European Essays on Nature and Landscape
Hardcover, 144 Seiten, 14,3 x 21 cm, with photographs, illustrations and maps, 22,00 € (D)
ISBN 978-3-96194-251-0
WG 1 985
Published in March 2025
The SPREE was never allowed to be just a river. It always had to toil, transport and, in the capital, also cut a fine figure. UWE RADA approaches the river as a literary and political landscape. Starting in Berlin, it goes up the Spree to Bautzen and back down the river. Rada realizes that the important issues of our time are negotiated along the Spree: Open-cast mining and coal phase-out, natural space or cultural landscape, the battle for the capital’s water supply.
After NEUWALD, SPREE is the second essay by Uwe Rada to appear in the series.