Under the sky

»Where we live and what we can see of it at night«

„Pictures that expand our horizon.“


Laura Kranich

European Essays on Nature and Landscape
Hardcover, 136 pages, 14.3 x 21 cm, with photographs and maps, 20,00 € (D)
ISBN 978-3-96194-219-0
WG 1 981

Published October 2023

Laura Kranich observes the sky in the dark, on the coasts of Schleswig-Holstein. There, where mainly natural light can be seen. What becomes evident then is breathtaking: the rare luminous noctilucent clouds, the not-so-rare auroras, structures and colours of lightning, the Perseids and the fully visible Milky Way with its billions of light objects. Laura Kranich tells of the sky above our landscapes.

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