»Sheltered and trapped in the valley. On the banks of an innocent river«
Lena Frings
European Essays on Nature and Landscape
Hardcover, 144 pages, 14.3 x 21 cm, with photographs, maps and other illustrations, 20,00 € (D)
ISBN 978-3-96194-220-6
WG 1 981
Published September 2023
Kreuzberg is not only a district of Berlin, but also a place on the Ahr River. This is where the young journalist Lena Frings comes from, and this is where she returns for her book. To the valley in the slate mountains that folded open 300 million years ago. To the changing light and shadows of the landscape of a meandering valley. To the foot of the vineyards. Where people were cruelly surprised by a flood just a short time ago. Although the landscape had already seen many floods.