Midissage for Rüdiger Tillmann’s exhibition

Rüdiger Tillmann is responsible for the breathtakingly detailed drawings that adorn the front and back covers of the EUROPEAN ESSAYS ON NATURE AND LANDSCAPE book series. His works are currently on display at the Wälderhaus Hamburg. A midissage with the artist will take place on 12.03.2024.

Rüdiger Tillmann grew up on a farm in the Sauerland region. The forest was always a place of retreat for him. At the same time, he also knew it as a workplace through his parents’ business. Rüdiger graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg with a degree in illustration. He began drawing forests during a scholarship in Småland, Sweden, in 2016. This made him realize how much humans shape the forest.
The forest is charged with ancient myths and, at the same time, it is a place of economic interests. The drawings attempt to translate and simplify. Unspectacular views of this cultural landscape are emphasized in ink drawings. They often show the forest as a commercial forest, which in its diversity can still appear to us as pure nature. In the drawing process, these different perspectives on the forest and thus also the diversity and simultaneity of open space and economic space are symbolized.

At a glance

“The forest rustles” from 31.01.2024 – 26.04.2024
Tuesday – Sunday from 09.00-17.00 hrs
Admission: Free of charge, incl. Forest Science Centre

Midissage on Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 6 pm. The artist will be present. Please register for better planning: KJM Buchverlag, 040 86629655 or jraedecke@jarchow-media.de.

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